Our dispute mediation service

NOTE:  This is only for dental technician and clinical dental technician complaints. Complaints about dentists should be directed to:
the NZDA at the following address…

– email-consumeradvice@nzda.org.nz
– Phone-09 5798001 Ext 2

Who we are:

The New Zealand Institute of Dental Technologists (NZIDT) is an incorporated society. It is a professional association representing industries voice for registered health practitioners in our field, namely Clinical Dental Technicians, Dental Technicians and non-registered personnel that work within our industry. We exist to facilitate the professional development of our members and the communities we serve.

The Conflict, Complaints, and Resolution Committee (CCRC) which is under the umbrella of the NZIDT Executive is a mediation service consisting of executive members who will review your complaint or conflict if accepted against one of our members. This service exists and does not arise from a statutory obligation but a professional obligation with the aim of resolving conflict and complaints in the interest of our members and the communities we serve.

Who can lodge a complaint?

Any one of our members or a member of the public can lodge or make a complaint about the conduct or the service they have received from one of the members of our association.

The mediation service (CCRC) is not available if the practitioner being complained about is not a member of the NZIDT.  If this is the case we suggest you use this link from the Dental Council to explore your other options Dental Council complaints.

The process and how our mediation service operates:

The Health and Disability Commissioner, and The New Zealand Dental Council provide frameworks for all oral health practitioners to work within. These frameworks encompasses Professional and Practice Standards along with Ethical Principles. It recognises the right of a patient to complain.

The NZIDT recommends, as a starting point, that a member of the public who has a complaint against one of our members should firstly discuss, on a face to face basis, the nature of the complaint and the ideal outcome, to see if the issues can be satisfactorily resolved.

If this face to face discussion is unsatisfactory, and providing that both parties agree our association offers a mediation service to try and facilitate a satisfactory resolution.

To initiate this service please fill out the complaint form below, once received we need to verify that the person being complained about is a member of our association.

Once verified the CCRC (Conflict Complaints Resolution Committee) will appoint a contact person and start the process.

Once the forms have been received and all relevant information gathered by the CCRC a panel will convene to assess and discuss the complaint or conflict. Both parties will then be notified of their findings.

It is NZIDT’s intention to investigate all complaints in a timely manner. However it is worth noting that our service is primarily an after-hours service.

What are our powers?

The NZIDT offers a mediation service in the interests of ensuring that patient’s concerns are addressed in a professional manner. It operates as an independent facilitator, but does not have any directive power. If you are seeking a refund, neither the Health and Disability Commissioner, the New Zealand Dental Council or the NZIDT have the powers to compel a practitioner to refund monies, only the Courts have those powers. Our service acts as a mediation service trying to find common ground for resolution, not to act as a judicator passing judgement. The complainant retains, at all times, the right to seek alternative avenues for resolution. The primary aim of our service is to act in the best interests of our members and the communities we serve. Complaints and conflicts give us an opportunity to reflect and learn how we as an industry can improve on services offered and delivered.

What are the costs?

At present our mediation service is free. We may suggest a second opinion from either a colleague or specialist if there is a question surrounding delivery of service, and or the competency of the practitioner. More often than not there is a charge by a practitioner giving a second opinion. Arrangements for payment of any associated costs incurred are between the complainant and the third party. NZIDT does not accept any liability for costs incurred by the complainant during the process.


To initiate the process fill out the form below.

Mediation form

    Details of Complainant

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Contact Number (required)

    Your Address (required)

    The Clinical Dental Technician or Dental Technician you are complaining about

    Technician's Name (required)

    Name of Business

    Technician's Contact Number

    Technician's Address (required)

    Details of Complaint

    What date did the complaint arise?

    If it is more than six (6) month’s old, why did you not complain earlier?

    Have you contacted the Clinical Dental Technician or Dental Technician to try to discuss your complaint?


    If yes, what happened?

    Complaint Summary

    Please set out in chronological order what happened, as part of the process we may ask for relevant information including photocopies of any material which may be helpful in seeking a resolution to your complaint (required)

    Please attach any relevant supporting documentation

    What do you hope to gain from lodging the complaint? (required)

    Think about this carefully as we can advise you if there is a reasonable expectation of success and if not, possible other avenues of complaint open to you.

    Has the complaint been lodged with another complaints body?

    For example, the Health and Disability Service, Dental Council, Small Claims Court, Consumer affairs, etc.


    I give permission for the New Zealand Institute of Dental technology (NZIDT) Mediation Service to forward to the Clinical Dental Technician or Dental Technician a copy of the complaint, contact them about my complaint and if necessary to access my dental records.

    Check to acknowledge.
    Must be checked before the form will submit.
